Love you, too
"Candy covered in clay is always a good thing!"
Candy Custard is always a treat to watch. This video starts out with a game of Simon Says, and Candy didn't technically lose on that last order (Simon never said to speak more French). Still, it directly led to her going into the tank, so I'm not going to complain. She dives down again and again, and each time she comes up covered in silky clay and looking amazing. Definitely pick this up if you like Candy (and who doesn't love Candy?!?)
WritesNaughtyReviews 3/25/16
 Love you, too
"buy if you like mud, or CC, or boobs."
Well let's see, you've got Candy Custard, and her boobs, playing around in a vat of mud, trashing her boots, dress and lingerie in the process. That works for me!
sauceboss 1/11/15